Release the Lioness

All these years I’ve been studying how to be a Proverbs 31 woman with no hopes of ever being able to truly succeed. Who can be that perfect? Some days I excelled in all the things… on other days, I couldn’t fight my way out of a paper bag. It would just feel like I would make mistakes and not accomplish anything this woman did. Pretty sure this chapter isn’t supposed to make me feel bad about myself… I’m certain that it is to give me goals to achieve. Some days I get a lot of them… I am not sure I can get them all in one day and that’s okay. I’m gonna keep on trying. My real goal is to release the Deborah anointing and become the lioness I am called to be.
I love history! And I love Biblical history even more. Studying the women of the Bible is something I started last year but I’m really getting into it now. There’s some great stuff for us ladies to apply to our lives today. It seems like we might not measure up but the Holy Spirit will give you that anointing. Deborah was the mother of the lioness’. She stood her ground. She nurtured and she loved. It makes you kind of want to sing the song “I am woman, hear me roar”. But it isn’t simply because they were women. They were women who stood up at a time it was necessary. Not just for their families but for the nation. Sound familiar?
Deborah and Esther (you can read about her here... and watch a video here )
are great role models and it is good when we learn about them from all sides. We generally try to put people on a pedestal and believe they can do no wrong but look at Rahab… She was a prostitute and yet, she was in the lineage of Jesus. So I’m gonna quit stressing about being perfect. Years ago when Todd and I were leading children’s church, we held a kids crusade. The boys were on one half and the girls on the other and we represented them. One night we decided to dress up like we were going to battle… I wasn’t sure what I was gonna do until someone mentioned Deborah. I started reading about her and got so pumped!! She was awesome! So Deborah I was for a night. Deborah was powerful. She was a judge, warrior, wife, prophetess, and worshipper. She was a mother – a wellspring of life (this includes the entire nation of Israel!). The words she spoke is what I’m speaking today… “Villagers in Israel would not fight; they held back until I, Deborah, arose, a mother in Israel”. Here’s my version… why must every wife and mother become a stark, raving lunatic before anyone in her house takes her seriously?! I mean c’mon! Let’s just say Deborah handled it better than I did.

Did you ever feel like you were overwhelmed with your life (your village) and that life had ceased? The common theme of women in the Bible is them rising to the calling God placed on them. Let me tell you something, ladies, being a wife and a mom is a calling. I am not talking about leading a nation in this instance; although, God does call some to fill that arena as well. Deborah sat under the palm trees daily to take care of the children of Israel. How many arguments do you think she settled? I mean, don’t you just dread having to deal with the kids’ arguments day in and day out while you just want to sip on a cup of coffee? I had 4 kids and I didn’t appreciate all the arguing. They are adults now and get along well. It is good knowing that with all my faults and failures, there was something good God used to make them who they are today. Deborah was full of grace and dignity. Those are not qualities I share with her. Not at all.
The beauty of the old testament is it’s history and family lineages. Did you know that no one became a judge or prophet simply because they wanted to? God chose who was to speak His word. What’s unusual about those times… the people went to her and not the priests. Was it because of a breakdown in the priesthood or was it because God knew mommas were nurturing and would give the Word in love. Maybe men were just harsher. I do not have the answer to that. I love picturing her under the tree and having all these people waiting to see her. She loved and covered each one. If you were a prophet in the OT, everyone listened to you. It’d be nice if we had the same from our kiddos and hubbies, am I right ladies? For the most part, we probably do even when it doesn’t feel like it. Can you imagine just ignoring God? That's what they were doing and even now we see it in our country and around the world. I mean it does happen… What would you do if your kids just started ignoring you? Can’t you just see God having to come down and get His kids to listen to him? “Hey, you! Yes you, could you just get your act together and listen to your Deborah?! Quit wasting my time and start respecting your mom!” I said all kinds of stuff to my kids and even to #hottoddy when they were acting a fool. I wonder what goes through God’s mind when he sees us doing the same?

This is something cool I learned when I was studying Deborah. Her name means “bee”. It also has the same consonants as the Hebrew root for “speak” or “word”. And she was a prophetess. The old testament is full of names that have meaning. Some of the names I wondered about tho was like Jabez. It means “he makes sorrowful”. Why… Why would a mom name a child with a name to define them with sorrow forever? I am pretty sure I could damage my kids enough without giving them a name for life that would speak something dreadful over them.
Deborah had a no-fear attitude. I have to admit… I have fear but it is always a stupid one. It’s more about what other people think… Pretty sure starting a conversation with “God told me”… to someone isn’t something I’m comfortable with even when I know it’s true. What if? What if I’m wrong? See. The. Fear. And yet I speak that I have no fear because I know God is in control. Deborah took God at His word. I mean Sisera had an army of 900 chariots. That was gonna be some undertaking for Barak! But it didn’t shake her at all. Funny thing, I’m kind of like her in those areas… Don’t judge. I am strong in some and weak in others… Did you read the first paragraph? It’s a daily struggle. She told Barak what God said to do with confidence. And he was like “ Yo, Deborah (can you picture this in Rocky’s voice. Did I just date myself?), I’m not going into battle without you”. She was like “sure, no prob Bob. But God says since you need a girl to tag along a woman will get credit for the win”. He was like, “sure, I’m down with that… let’s roll”.

When Deborah wrote her song she speaks of life before she was used. The scripture tells us to speak things as though they were and she did. And because she spoke, lived up to it, and did her thing… what God called her to do, the villages and roads that were deserted came to life. She knew she was being called to lead and without hesitation, she took it on. Why? What did she know? Where did her peace and strength come from? How do you handle the battles with your family? For your family? Did you shrink away? I did for many years, yet God is using that very thing to help other women. Sometimes we go to battle with our children and husbands, meaning we join them as Deborah did with Barak. Othertimes we are to send them to battle with our prayers.
How do we battle? Prayer. Praise. Renew Your mind, read your Bible. Private time with the Lord. I go to war in my office with the enemy… I scream at him I let him know what is allowed and what is not allowed. I want him to know he has no authority over me and I am not playing games. It may not work for you but it’s what works for me. Some will be called to speak out… maybe it’s in your home with and for your family, or maybe, you are to speak up, take a stand…
God is breaking the belief many women have of themselves that hold them back from being a Deborah or an Esther. He is breaking down the strongholds that make them believe their dreams are not obtainable. He is calling women to rise up and be a Deborah and an Esther in this new Era. How confident are you in yourself? Find confidence in Him. What is God calling you to do? It’s time to stand up. Be an Esther. Be a Deborah
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